Story behind TTD land sale controversy!
TTD (Tirumala Tirupathi Devasthanam) Board announced its decision to auction 23 Temple properties located in Tamil Nadu. Reason cited was board considers them unviable and unmaintainable. Since there is a chance of encroachment, instead of losing those land assets entirely, TTD board decided to liquidate these land assets and deposit the money into TTD account. Total amount that would be raised from these 23 properties is about 1.5 crores. That means each property is worth about 6–7 lakhs on an average. The land assets are either small house sites of about 100 sq yards or agricultural lands of about 50 cents (that is half acre) or less. Since these are small assets located at various locations at Tamil Nadu, TTD board of AP opines they do not have the personnel to take care of these smaller assets. Hence the decision to sell off and deposit the cash into Temple account.
Opposition outrage
However AP opposition parties TDP and BJP are opposing this move. They are claiming this to be an Anti-Hindu move by the AP Govt led by Christian CM YS Jagan. They are demanding TTD board to withdraw their decision to auction Temple properties.
Background Story
There was a committee constituted in 2015 during TDP Govt when Chandrababu Naidu was CM, to identify unviable Tirupati temple properties located across the country. BJP leaders were also part of that committee since TDP and BJP were into alliance in 2015. In 2016 committee came up with a report identifying 50 land assets of temple that were unviable or unmaintainable. Out of those 50 identified assets, current TTD board wants to sell off 23 assets.
TTD selling unviable properties is not new. The board has sold off 129 temple properties between 1974 and 2014. So what is happening now is continuing with the 40 plus year old process of identifying and selling assets which cannot be taken care of by the board.
Devotee sentiment
When a devotee makes a donation whether cash or fixed asset, it is assumed by the devotee that his donation would be only used for temple purpose under his/her name. Temple may decide the donated money to use it for its rituals or charity work like free food donations that TTD does on a daily basis feeding 1000s of people.
Possible solution
While one cannot fault the current TTD board for deciding to sell the properties that are not viable, there can be some creative solutions that the current AP govt can think about. Instead of continuing the same process of previous govts and selling off the assets out of fear of encroachments and ensuing legal litigations, it can build “Bhajan Mandirs” on the small land assets. This can be done with low cost and maintenance free. If TTD tries to build temples in donated sites, there would be cost associated and maintenance and administration issues as well in maintaining such new Temples.
Instead, a “Bhajan mandir” can be something modest with a simple roof and with some benches for local people to come and meditate or sing bhajans. This way the donor of that small property will have the satisfaction that his/her donation is being put to a good cause without any additional cost to the TTD board. The current AP govt can also claim that they have come up with an innovative solution instead of following previous govt process. Devotees will also be encouraged to make such land donations in future.
Devotees have an option of selling their land and donating cash to temple but if they have not done that, then there must be a reason. That is, they want their name to be associated with any temple activities that may be done in future in their donated land.
Both TDP and AP State BJP leadership should be blamed for politicizing this issue and making it a religion issue. Central BJP leadership should take cognizance of the politics behind this decision and take a Dharmic move towards this issue.
Chandra Babu Naidu illegally removed Tirupati Temple Chief Priest when the priest came out with some temple corruption allegations against Naidu. It is popularly believed by devotees that Naidu govt corruption in TTD led to his defeat. If current AP govt has any ill intentions in current land sale issue, they would also meet the same fate as Naidu and his TDP party. Such is the power of Lord Venkateshwara!