List of Pawan Kalyan’s double standards!
About 6 years ago, Pawan Kalyan’s came as a major political force in Andhra Politics. When Chandrababu Naidu and Y S Jagan were in a neck to neck contest in 2014, he single handedly turned the result in Chandrababu Naidu favor!
Everyone thought he will stick to his principles and ideology and may soon emerge as an alternative to YCP and TDP parties.
However after initial euphoria, he started sliding down the ladder of ethics. He has essentially become a second fiddle to CBN!
Here are some incidents that exposes his double standards so very obviously!
- Few days ago, die hard fan of Pk — Nutan Naidu, allegedly his party member tonsured a Dalit youth at his home. Pk didn’t respond and his party justified by saying Pk shouldn’t be dragged into this as he is not their party leader. A month ago, few kapu men were involved for a dalit youth getting tonsured in a police station. Pk immediately responded saying that Dalits have no security under Ycp rule. Ycp already took action by then on the offenders. Here Pk choose to attack ruling party when it suited him but went into hibernation when his fan was involved for a similar crime!
- In Sep 2016, PK, demanding special status for AP, shouted from the rooftops of Kakinada that South Indians are as patriotic as North Indians and so should not be neglected. Few weeks after that speech, the deadly URI attack happened. Later India retaliated with surgical strike. Ppl expected him to at least tweet either condemning the URI attack or supporting the surgical strike. Pawan Kalyan chose to remain silent. He didn’t tweet since Apr 2016 so people didn’t take much notice when he didn’t tweet about URI in Oct 2016. But later in Nov 2016, when demonetization happened, PK was among the first celebrities to criticize it with a tweet saying it was “an economic blunder of epic proportions”. He choose to play politics over demonetization and remain silent over URI attacks!
- In Mar 2019, Pk screamed in Gajuwaka election rally, that Vizag is best suited for AP capital. Now he is ready to file an affidavit in court that he doesn’t want Vizag as capital!
- In Jul 2019 , Pk came to America to participate in TANA event. PK mentioned about politician who went to jail and came out which received a loud applause from TDP supporters in the audience. PK choose to not mention why he had alliance with Mayawati who was already convicted for corruption!
- In Jan 2020 speech standing besides BJP Minister Kishan Reddy, he said he was in Varanasi to immerse his father’s ashes in Ganga river when he heard the news of 11/26 attack in Mumbai. However his father passed away in Dec 2007 and Mumbai attacks happened on Nov 26 2008. It’s hard to imagine that he waited for almost an year to immerse his father’s ashes in Holy Ganga river. Needless to say he was trying to impress BJP by bringing in Ganga river connection.
- Since he now says he is committed to BJP until 2024 elections, he would need to answer why he thinks Mayawati should not be PM and what made him change his opinion on Mayawati within 6 months after elections. He even bowed to Mayawati feet in public, not once but twice. After all, he gave a public statement that he would like to see “Behenji” aka Mayawati as PM.
- When he was in alliance with Communists and TDP, he never talked about Hinduism. Suddenly he is talking about Chaturmasya deeksha and other Hindu customs after BJP alliance! Pk is now giving interviews by standing in front of Tulsi tree (see cover pic). Hindus should not forget that Pawan Kalyan shamelessly gave a speech that all riots in India are caused by Hindus only and other religions don’t have that thought process of indulging into riots!
BJP should realize that they can’t have a long term relationship with such people who don’t have any ideology and are subject to change according to the prevailing political conditions. If BJP thinks Pawan Kalyan can attract Kapu votes, then they are living in fools paradise!