How Legendary writer Chalam influenced Ranganayakamma to write “Ramayana Vishavruksham"!!

2 min readDec 11, 2020

Gudipati Venkata Chalam was arguably the most influential writers of 20th century. He was one the most prolific writers during 1900s. His rational thoughts made a big impact on youngsters who would generally be curious about lot of things happening around them. Just like Karl Marx influenced English educated Indians towards Communism and leftist idelogy, Chalam too influenced educated elite in India to question Hindu customs and history.

He questioned male dominance and how women were restricted to “menial” jobs. His stories revolved around women exploitation in the name of customs. Many women who were genuinely impacted by male dominance were able to connect with his writings quite easily.

Writer Chalam was the one who invented the term “Lechipovatam" (aka elope) in Telugu. Before that there was no such term in Telugu dictionary. He encouraged women to leave away their existing husbands and chose someone who would understand their feelings.

Ranganayakamma who was a young woman during 1960s was unhappy with her arranged marriage. She found solace in Chalam’s writings and came out of her marriage in 1970 at the age of 31. After that she started a hatred for Hindu scriptures which idolized Hindu male Gods.

Viswanadha Satyanarayana was a contemporary of Writer Chalam and he influenced his readers towards Hindu customs and traditions. He was awarded Padma Bhushan for his literary works like “Veyyi Padagalu" and “Ramayana Kalpavruksham".

Ranganayakamma who considered Chalam as her Guru decided to take on Viswanadha Satyanarayana who was taking away readers from Chalam. She then decided to write a contracdictory book in response to his most famous literary work “Ramayana Kalpavruksham”.

That is how she came up with “Ramayana Vishavruksham” commenting very negatively on Lord Rama. Her work came as a blessing for Left ecosystem and Anti-Hindu activists. They openly lapped up her work on Ramayana and promoted it heavily.

Ranganayakamma is believed to have got into a relationship with a youth 20 years younger to her after she walked out of her marriage. However she didn’t marry again. She may well be the First lady in India who went into a “Live-In relationship” during 1970s itself. She is 81 years now and continues to influence anti-Hindu youth with the support of Left ecosystem.

During his final years, Writer Chalam had a realization of sorts and in 1972, he publicly apologized for his writings which had a negative influence on many women and wrecked their marriages. Later he moved to Ramana Maharishi ashram in Arunachalam and spent his last few years there.

Many don’t know how profusely Writer Chalam repented for his writings. Will have to see if Writer Ranganayakamma will have any such repentance for her works. Only time can answer!!

